Our Services Spiritual Care

Spiritual Care and Direction

Spiritual Direction helps you discern how God is working in your life at the moment and become more in tune with the Spirit’s work in your life.

Spiritual Direction offers

  • The opportunity to verbalize our understandings about God with a trained individual who can help reflect back God’s particular and personal work of love in our lives.
  • A coming together of heart knowledge and head knowledge
  • A reflective process rather than a directive one
  • A focusing on developing and nurturing our personal relationship with God
  • Teaching towards hearing God’s voice in our lives over other voices
  • Heightening our awareness of the Sacred in our lives
  • Discernment of God’s grace and invitations in our lives

Spiritual Direction for Pastors:

“Spiritual direction is the contemplative practice of helping [pastors] to awaken to the mystery called God in all of life, and to respond to that discovery in a growing relationship of freedom and commitment.”

– James Keegan, “What Is Spiritual Direction” Listen: A Seeker’s Resource For Spiritual Direction (Oct 2011, Vol 5, Issue 4), 3.

“In spiritual direction, the director helps [pastors] notice God in the most ordinary life circumstances, and provides an environment where spiritual healing can take place.”

– Alice Fryling, “Seeking God Together” (Downer’s Grove: IL, IVP, 2009), 20.

“Spiritual directors say…’God is the true director’.  Therefore we are servants of the holy, listeners with the job of being attentive to God, with and for the sake of another.  Both director and directee listen for the One who promises, ‘Call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.’”

Susan S. Phillips, “Candlelight: Illuminating the Art of Spiritual Direction” (Spiritual Directors International) 2008.


Where do we start?

If you’re interested in learning more about spiritual care, or want to book an appointment, please email us: