For many people, Christmas is an overwhelming season of decorating, partying, and gifting. The season is usually announced with bright lights, loud music, and impressive events. The season of Advent (from the Latin word “adventus”, meaning “coming”) is the time of...
Soma Resources — Blog
Soma Blog
Surviving Church
I see all kinds of runners on Sunday mornings, people who maybe have had a childhood of showing up for Sunday School with scrubbed faces and slicked hair. People who maybe have drifted far away from what they thought was their faith, and so perhaps reason that...
Does Spiritual Direction Help?
The first time I heard about spiritual direction was through Dr. Susan Phillips at Regent College. “God is the true director…Therefore we are servants of the holy, listeners with the job of being attentive to God, with and for the sake of another. Both director and...
Does Talk Change Anything?
In short, yes. For a much longer and more thorough answer, keep reading. First, there is a presumption that talking to a friend or family member is the same thing as talking to a therapist. Yet what a therapist offers their clients is very different from the...
A Gathering on Mental Health Needs of Churches
Grace Voo & Edward Ng have teamed up to launch a new private counselling practice in South Vancouver. The mission of this new practice is to partner with churches by promoting mental health awareness and by providing counselling skills training through...
Soma Launch
Years ago, my friend Ed and I were idly talking about how God has been leading us in similar directions and how He has given us the compassion and gifting of working alongside pastors and church/ministry leaders in supporting families with mental health needs. We...